is the combination Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence by VTT physical remote sensing researchers
and Aalto University Department of Computer science. The scientific collaboration is funded by externel projects such as
Please see the individual group descriptios to find out who make up the Sensillence community.
- TAIGA: a novel dataset for multitask learning of continuous and categorical forest variables from hyperspectral imagery published in IEEE TGRS (open access)
- Assessing spatial variability and estimating mean crown diameter in boreal forests using variograms and amplitude spectra of very-high-resolution remote sensing data by Eelis Halme et al. available online (open access).
- Academy of Finland granted funding to the Artificial Intelligence for Twinning the Diversity, Productivity and Spectral Signature of Forests (ARTISDIG) project for 2022-2024.
- AIROBEST project extended by one year due to covid, to end on 31 December 2022.
- Two hyperspectral datasets available: SPYSTUF and TAIGA under the Creative Commons license.
- VTT creating digital forest twin for European Space Agency
- Academy of Finland funding for the project Artificial Intelligence for Retrieval of Forest Biomass & Structure (AIROBEST) for 2018-2020.